Executive Summary & Methodology
I have been asked many times why we release our five year forecast in February, instead of December or January, the months when the majority of forecasts are released. The truth is the first time we shared our forecast was in the month of February, which has since turned into a tradition. For all practical purposes, we make a forecast each and every day, so February is just as good as December or January or any other month of the year. A few weeks ago Justin attended an investment seminar in Orlando, Florida. One of the Keynote speakers was Dr. Jeremy Siegal, Wharton School finance professor and author of the best seller Stocks for the Long Run. Dr. Siegal left such an impression on Justin that he had to give me a call and share the good news with me. - See more at: http://www.andersongriggs.com/content/dow-15000#sthash.ac4vDHN8.dpuf
If I asked you “What company did Bill Gates start?” close to 100% of you would answer Microsoft. If I asked you “What company did Steve Jobs start?”, again, close to 100% of you would answer Apple. If I asked you “What company did Irwin Jacobs start?” I believe most of you would respond with “Who?” even though Irwin Jacobs’ company, Qualcomm, may have more to do with your daily life than the other two combined.
Kendall J. Anderson, CFA, Founder
Justin T. Anderson, President
July 2024