Our investment philosophy is drastically different than the run-of-the-mill tactics most people experience today, although it was not that foreign 50 years ago. We do not believe it is possible to preserve or grow wealth through trading programs, nor do we believe individual investors are best served using open-end mutual funds in overly diversified allocation programs. We believe the preservation and growth of personal wealth is best achieved by being owners of powerful, global, high quality companies, through direct common stock investment. In addition, we balance our risk of the unknown through ownership of low-risk U.S. Treasuries, FDIC insured Certificates of Deposit, and occasionally highly rated, well-financed corporate and municipal bonds.
This may seem simple in comparison with the countless glossy brochures you have probably come across while searching for investment advisory services, and this is fine with us. We use a simple, "common sense" approach to investing, the root of which you may know as “value investing.” We believe in identifying great and powerful companies that have proven histories of earning consistency and of sharing those earnings with their owners, the shareholders.
We believe it is possible to formulate a fair value for these companies. Once we have those values in mind, we wait for a time that the market is willing to sell us the companies cheaply, or, on the other side, wait for a time when it is willing to buy back the companies dearly. This is the key to long term investment success… choosing what to buy, when to buy, and when to sell, based on sound research that makes sense.
Finally, we believe in safety, liquidity, and transparency. No investor, from the first time 401k contributor to the retired millionaire business owner, can be expected to succeed as an investor if they are not able to have faith in what they own, understand what it is at face value, and know that they are free to exit if their circumstances change.
This may seem simple in comparison with the countless glossy brochures you have probably come across while searching for investment advisory services, and this is fine with us. We use a simple, "common sense" approach to investing, the root of which you may know as “value investing.” We believe in identifying great and powerful companies that have proven histories of earning consistency and of sharing those earnings with their owners, the shareholders.
We believe it is possible to formulate a fair value for these companies. Once we have those values in mind, we wait for a time that the market is willing to sell us the companies cheaply, or, on the other side, wait for a time when it is willing to buy back the companies dearly. This is the key to long term investment success… choosing what to buy, when to buy, and when to sell, based on sound research that makes sense.
Finally, we believe in safety, liquidity, and transparency. No investor, from the first time 401k contributor to the retired millionaire business owner, can be expected to succeed as an investor if they are not able to have faith in what they own, understand what it is at face value, and know that they are free to exit if their circumstances change.